Monday, January 26, 2009


Wow. It's been a long time since writing. Sorry for that, but I must say we've been busy trying to provide some atmosphere at the games. We've got a few videos of our fraternities riding the Ocean Deck surf board at the conference games. Both made it all the way down! Check out Pike here and Delta Chi here.

This is a busy week. Check that, a very busy week. Wednesday the #2 Eagles play host to the #1 team in the Sun Conference the Northwood Seahawks. It's not just a game; it's a massive game. It's the new rivalry.

If you are not sure about what Coach Ridder's Promise is, then you need to check this out. If you already know, you need to get there early to get your Bald Cap. We'll have some t-shirts to hand out (over 100, and trust me the back of the shirt is way better), and if the Eagles win they become the #1 team in the conference. It's huge.

Friday, begins the second half of conference play. St. Thomas is coming to town and the Eagles will be playing a part in the Coaches Vs. Cancer game day activities. We're teaming up with the ERAU Relay for Life Team, and will present a member of the American Cancer Society a check at halftime of the game.

We've still got Chuck Norris t-shirts to sell ($15 with ALL proceeds going to the ACS). We'll have cancer surviors coming to the game. And we are asking that all fans join the coaches from both teams in wearing a suit/dress with sneakers to the game. We'll get a pic of everyone who participates. Help us fight cancer January 30th at 7 pm.

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