Friday, April 3, 2009


This past Friday night saw the largest and rowdiest fan base at a game yet. People were hanging from the rafters at the volleyball game, as the team DOMINATED yet again.

It was superhero night, and the Mother Flocker said it was one of the best costumed events he has ever seen. It was estimated that 75% of the attendees showed up in some sort of costume. Notable superheroes that showed up: Superman, Hancock, the Domino's Pizza Noid, Quail Man (twice), TP Man and his arch nemesis Skidmark, the Incredible Hulk, Shaq Fu's Kazaam, Blank Man and in a bow to another great blogger the Mother Flocker dubbed a Texan draped in the state's flag and belt buckle the Lone Star Lunatic.

Both the women's and men's soccer teams dressed up - the ladies donning volleyball uniforms and capes, and the men's hoops team came out in an assortment of superhero get ups.

It was a phenomenal effort by everyone that was in attendance. Thank you. Enjoy the pics.

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