Friday, April 3, 2009


There is no doubt about it, since the Mother Flocker started Mustache Mania mustache sightings have been popping up like crop circles circa 1994. No, the Flock won't have another Mustache Mania event (it'll be Mustache Mania III) until Nascar Night on Wednesday February 11th. That's right ladies, we're giving your man enough time to shave that gorgeous mustache off before Valentine's Day (so you can't blame us if he decides to leave it on).

Recently rivals Brad Pitt and John Mayer have both been seen sporting pencil thin mustaches. Jennifer Aniston is apparently not the only thing they now have in common. You have some time gentlemen, but may the mustache always be on your mind. Our only question is when are Jennifer and Angelina going to start to grow them, too?

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